I know I only did a blog post a couple of weeks ago, but a few more things have come up!
Boxmoor Virtual Marathon starts 8th May!
Have you signed up yet?
We were on Radio Dacorum yesterday, being interviewed by the lovely Zac. Fiona from One Impossible Thing, me and our kids Ruby and Lucas. You can listen here: https://www.mixcloud.com/radiodacorum/boxmoor-virtual-marathon-interview-zak-on-radio-dacorum/
You have until 20th July 2024 to complete your marathon at your own pace and in your own way! On foot, on wheels or in water!
A fabulous incentive to get out and moving, in achievable short bites (or one long one if you like!) and you get a medal at the end.
Raising money for local charity One Impossible Thing and Camps International.
Go straight to the sign up page here
Or find out more on the website here!
The Mayor's Garden Party - Sunday 12th May
I'll be delivering free yoga and storytelling sessions for children at the Mayor's Garden Party on Sunday 12th May from 11am to 3pm, at Sunnyside Rural Trust HP3 9BY.
This is a free event with other activities including a community stage and a cake competition, have a look at the website to find out more!
Herts Book Fesetival - Sunday 19th May
I'll be at Herts Book Festival on Sunday 19th May in Ware at Southern Maltings. This is a free event and I'll be selling books, and delivering free kids' yoga and storytelling sessions.
Find out about it as well as all the fabulous authors taking part on their website here.
Are you a primary school teacher?
I am honoured to have been asked to present at the Rocket Phonics Conference!
I'll be at the Oxford event on the 28th June.
I authored The Musician's Mission, a chair yoga phonics book for Rocket Phonics, which was published last summer. If you'd like to find out more and book a place, have a look at their website here!