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May, Menopause Yoga, Marathons and More

Menopause Yoga Classes

I qualified! I've been studying the Yoga Campus/British Wheel of Yoga module in teaching Menopause Yoga, with menopause expert and author Petra Coveney.

It's been an amazing experience.

I'm running a four-week menopause yoga course in July for the bargain price of £40. Here are the details!

Who is this for?

Anyone going through the Menopause, from perimenopause (which can start in your 40s) and up to postmenopause, known in Chinese Medicine as your Second Spring!

Mondays 9.30-11am - including a cup of tea.

Warner's End Community Centre

1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd July 2024

Spaces limited to 8.

We will have supportive, confidential discussions and use practices that can help with hot flushes, rage, anxiety, overwhelm, and building strength. You can book here! I LOVED my training and am VERY EXCITED TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU.

My Book of Nice Stuff

I like to make an end of term gift for my kids' yoga class members, and this term it's going to be a journal to write and draw nice things in. Positive thoughts to help their mental health and wellbeing!

The journal includes illustrations and prompts such as who their favourite grown-ups are, what they can do when they're upset, and activities they like to carry out.

You can buy it for £5.99 from Amazon

I put it together using my illustrations from my yoga adventure books. It's been scientifically proven that being grateful for what we have can boost our wellbeing, so why not start the practice early!


The next block of classes starts on the week beginning the 3rd June.

All classes are at Warner's End Community Centre and on Zoom.

Pregnancy Yoga: Tuesdays 7-8pm

General classes: Tuesdays 8.15-9.30pm, Wednsedays 8.15-9.30pm, Fridays 9.15-10.30am

Postnatal Yoga: currently on hold, if you would like to join the mailing list or can get a group of friends together, I can offer a block of classes or a one-off.

Boxmoor Virtual Marathon

Just over two weeks in and we have over 70 participants who are running, walking, cycling and swimming their marathon! Participants are wracking up the miles all over the country and we even have two in the Philippines! We already have 5 medallists who have smashed the distance and received their medals.

We have until the 20th July to complete our distances and there's still time to enter - about 5.5km a week would do it.

You can enter here and commit to your own mental and physical wellbeing this summer!

Your £10 entry fee covers our costs and helps to send two school pupils - Ruby and Lucas - to Costa Rica next year on a wildlife conservation volunteering trip. Any sponsorship goes towards awesome local charity One Impossible Thing

The marathon has already raised about £250 each for Lucas and Ruby's fundraising, and £365 for One Impossible Thing. You can sponsor our marathon athletes here.

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